Thursday, February 28, 2008
Diet Overkill: 25 Of the Most Ridiculous (and Ineffective) Popular Diets
Diet Overkill: 25 Of the Most Ridiculous (and Ineffective) Popular Diets
Published on Tuesday February 26th , 2008
By Jessica Hupp
Some people will do anything to lose weight, even if it means defying common sense and nutrition. But just because your best friend's cousin lost 20 pounds by drinking hot-peppered lemonade doesn't mean you should do the same. These 25 diets are not only ridiculous, they're ineffective and even dangerous.
Atkins: Although wildly popular, and quite effective for some people, the Atkins diet is just not sustainable for most dieters. This diet cuts out healthy foods like fruit, and adopts a limited list of foods that are often high in fat and otherwise unhealthy. Above all, this diet's extreme restriction makes it incredibly difficult for most people to stick with it.
The Subway diet: Substituting large, unhealthy meals with a wholesome sandwich is certainly an effective way to lose weight. However, the execution of the Subway diet is what makes this one a failure. This may come as a surprise to some, but not every sandwich at Subway is a dietary winner. You can't eat 14 meatball subs a week and expect to see pounds come off. For this diet to succeed, you'd have to eat very specific items from Subway's menu and keep up a strict regimen of exercise. This diet is useless because it's just as easy to make your own sandwich and take a walk.
Cabbage soup diet: Also known as the "Russian peasant diet," the "Sacred Heart diet," and "TJ miracle soup diet," this diet consists of eating a low-calorie cabbage soup for 7 days. It's generally claimed to cause weight loss of 10 pounds within a week, although most experts believe that sort of weight loss is not possible. Most of the weight lost on this diet is water, so it's not permanent. It's also problematic because of a high sodium content, extremely low protein, feelings of weakeness, and increased flatulence.
The tapeworm diet: Almost too disgusting to detail, this diet involves swallowing cysts that you've dissected out of beef carcass. The plan is to allow the tapeworm to live in you for up to 10 weeks, and then take prescribed medication to kill it. It should go without saying that this is perhaps one of the most dangerous diets you can adopt. It not only requires you to ingest a parasite, it encourages unhealthy eating habits, which are almost guaranteed to make you gain every pound back once the worm is gone.
The cereal diet: Like the Subway diet, the cereal diet is silly because it requires you to buy a specific food substitute, and eat it on a regular basis. This diet isn't effective because of the high quality nutrition cereal offers-cereal is generally full of sugar-but rather because you're required to measure the amount of food you're eating. No matter what your diet, monitoring and carefully measuring food to restrict calories will make you lose weight. You don't need a special cereal to do so.
The low fat diet: Nearly everyone has purchased a low or no fat product because we believe that somehow it's healthier and will help keep the pounds off. But the dirty trick about the low fat diet is that these products aren't healthier at all-often, you trade fat for more sugar, sodium, or calories. Sometimes, serving sizes are skewed to make an otherwise unhealthy food look better than before.
Hallelujah diet: Reverend George M. Malkmus was diagnosed with colon cancer, and instead of getting treatment, he changed his diet to "the original diet God gave mankind." Although the diet consists mainly of good staples like fruits and vegetables, you can't just eat produce you'd pick up at the store. No, this diet requires that you mail-order direct from the Reverend's farm because the general American food supply is devoid of nutrients. Ironically, this diet has been found to cause nutrient deficiencies, and due to its high-fiber and beta carotine content, is less than ideal for cancer patients.
South Beach Diet: Although it's created and promoted by a cardiologist, the South Beach diet is less than ideal. This diet takes you through phases of high restriction and lower restriction, constantly keeping your body on a roller coaster of losing and maintaining weight. Once you begin to regain pounds, you go back to the more restricted phase. Yo-yo diets such as this one are not only ineffective, they're dangerous to your heart and overall health.
Slim Fast: Again, another product-based diet that offers little more than ineffective substitution. In the short term, you will probably see weight loss, but Slim Fast's shakes and bars are not mentally or physically satisfying enough for the diet to be sustained, especially when you consider that there are healthier, cheaper, and tastier alternatives out there.
The chocolate diet: As studies have come out promoting chocolate as a supplement to a healthy diet, the chocolate diet has come out as well. This diet focuses on decreased calorie consumption with liquid chocolate diet shakes. It acts as a vitamin replacement, and although effective in the short term, has not been found to stimulate metabolism or burn fat, as the diet claims. Rather, any weight lost is a direct effect of decreased caloric intake.
The Fiengold diet: Dr. Benjamin Feingold created a diet free of chemicals believed to cause ADD and ADHD. This included not only food, but also certain drugs and hygiene items. Although this diet is not physically harmful, and can be helpful in some instances, it's generally not wise to adopt this regimen. Critics warn against teaching children that food can dictate performance and behavior, and depriving them of appropriate professional help from doctors.
The Weight Loss Cure They Don't Want You to Know About: This diet gives the tapeworm a run for its money. Why? The weight loss "cure" consists of nothing more than ingesting the urine of pregnant women. Whether this is effective or not really doesn't matter-there is absolutely, positively, a better way to lose weight than injecting yourself with pee.
The blood type diet: This confusing diet requires that you eat according to your blood type. For example, if you're a blood Type A, that means vegetables are your ideal food. The main reason why this diet works at all is because-you guessed it-you're limiting what you eat. Of course, this can be achieved through portion control, and you can eat what you feel like whether you're a "hunter," "nomad," "cultivator," or any combination thereof.
The Hollywood diet: It should be obvious that drinking nothing but juice is bound to leave you hungry and unsatisfied, but many continue to attempt to use this quick-fix detox program as a way to permanently lose weight. Unfortunately, that's just not going to happen. This juice has a high sugar content, and nearly all of the weight you'll lose is water, which will come right back.
The Grapefruit diet: This horrible diet is simply unsustainable, offering little nutrition calories, or taste. Even worse, excessive consumption of this acidic citrus fruit could lead to a stomach ulcer. Additionally, grapefruit juice is dangerous when mixed with some medications.
Russian Air Force diet: With this diet, you can put a number of herbs, sauces, and spices on your food, but you'll have a hard time finding a place for all of those extras to land, considering breakfast is coffee, lunch is two eggs and a tomato, and dinner is salad and tiny portion of meat. This simple caloric restriction is just not sustainable, leaving dieters hovering near starvation, and it has a high sodium content.
The master cleanse : Also known as the lemon water detox diet, this concoction can't even really be called a diet because you're not eating anything. With the master cleanse, you'll subsist on lemon water with cayenne pepper and maple syrup. Incredibly temporary, any weight loss resulting from this detox will come back almost immediately.
The macrobiotic diet: This diet consists primarily of grains, vegetables, and beans, specifically avoiding processed and refined foods. It also requires thorough chewing before swallowing to avoid overeating. Although this is overall good diet advice, the problem with the macrobiotic diet is that it's often presented as a "cure" for cancer, while many long-term macrobiotics have developed and died from cancer.
The Kimkins diet: This Atkins with a twist requires that dieters follow a strict caloric restriction, which as you must know by now, is nothing special. Additionally, this diet is wrapped up in scandal, as the creator claimed to have lost 198 pounds in 6 months, but later gained it all back, and tried to hide this fact from other dieters.
The magnetic diet: This diet follows the concept that all foods have magnetism that attracts either health or disease. It requires that you drink only water and eat specific foods with "invigorating magnetism," and follow an eating schedule that creates a caloric deficit. Despite all of the quackery surrounding the diet, it's actually a very simple method of eating nutritious foods like fruit, vegetables, and whole grains, combined with portion control and exercise.
The hot dog diet: Also known as the three-day diet, this diet is ridiculous because it doesn't recommend that you eat healthy food-in fact, you'll eat ice cream as well. Instead, you'll eat carefully counted portions of food, resulting in the oh-so-familiar calorie restriction that so many ridiculous diets feature.
The apple cider vinegar diet: The apple cider vinegar diet succeeds only in making dieters not want to eat at all, mostly because you're just not likely to be hungry after downing straight vinegar. You drink a few teaspoons of vinegar, which is supposed to supress your appetite. The secret is not that apple cider vinegar is particularly helpful for weight loss, but because reducing portions and exercising are.
Dr. Siegal’s cookie diet: The cookie diet is a lot less appealing than it sounds. Like Subway, Slim Fast, and other weight loss fads, this diet requires that you eat specific foods that must be purchased separate from a regular diet. These cookies are high protein, but there's really nothing special about the diet except that it's extremely low in calories. What's more, you're likely to get very tired of eating cookies day in and day out.
Wu-Yi Tea diet: Although it's presented as a natural cure endorsed by Oprah and Rachel Ray, that couldn't be farther from the truth about Wu-Yi tea. There's absolutely nothing special about this particular tea. It's just oolong tea, and it offers no more benefits than the tea you can pick up at your grocery or health store.
The Martha's Vineyard diet: Just like the Hollywood diet, this detox requires that you drink nothing but juice for a specific period of time. Again, this will only help you lose weight in the short term, and you'll gain every pound back once you realize there's more to life than drinking vegetable juice all day.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
For the ladies... why low fat foods increase infertility
Overall summary:
Drinking whole fat milk and eating ice cream appears to be better for women trying to become pregnant than a diet consisting of low-fat dairy products such as skimmed milk and yoghurt, according to new research published in Europe's leading reproductive medicine journal, Human Reproduction
Just another reason why women need to eat fat.
Got my Eye on the Prize
For those of you who don't know what I'm doing to get my PhD, I'll fill you in: I'm determining the difference between a low carb ketogenic diet that is high in saturated fat and one that is high in monounsaturated plus polyunsaturated fat. To do this, I've recruited 9 healthy men between the ages of 35 and 55, and am cooking for them one of these two nutritional interventions for 6 weeks each. Yes, you heard me right: I am the one cooking and preparing all the food to their exact caloric specifications to maintain their current body weight. It's a huge project and I come home smelling like food everyday, but it's a project that not many people can carry out and so, has never been done before. Although I love it, I'm getting a bit tired of cooking and am really looking forward to the end.
The overall purpose of this project is to see if there is a difference in how these two dietary practices affect inflammation, oxidative stress, blood lipids and ketosis. I'm also trying to answer the question, "Should saturated fat really be restricted when one follows a carbohydrate restricted diet, or does it not matter when carbs are absent?"
As I said, I'm almost done with the cooking part and will begin the blood and urine analysis by March 10th. I'm really looking forward to see what's happening and can't wait to share it with the world.
I'll keep everyone posted when I'm allowed to release the data. Very exciting!
Due to all this work that I'm doing, I haven't had much time to think about my upcoming wedding, my next book or my seminar schedule.
First, my wedding is at the beginning of August, and so far I've got the location booked, the dress bought, the caterer picked, and... that's about it. Still so much to do!! I know once this project is over I'll start to freak out a little bit (just a little) and get things done. I'll also start officially blogging about my diet and training schedule to reach my goal of dropping 5 lbs of body fat :) (trust me, no crash diets for this girl).
Then, I've got plans for a new book. It's another book made just for women and I'll be writing it with my good friend Rachel Cosgrove. Not sure when it'll come out, but at the rate I'm going now, it may not be until Jan 09. Hopefully it'll be sooner .....
Finally (well, really, just finally for this post), I've got plans to do some seminars with another friend of mine, Mike Ormsbee. He's another PhD-to-be and we're going to do talks around the East Coast to start. Our emphasis will be nutrition and training. There might be more on the bill, and when I know more details, I'll let you all know too.
There's actually a ton more going on with me, and sometimes I wonder how my life got so busy. I haven't read a book in so long, I haven't been hiking or mountain biking, and I really need to go visit my family in Canada. These will all come, but right now, big things are going on and I got to keep my eye on the prize.
Happy Tuesday!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Vitacost Discount
Vitacost is home to their own brand of top-quality nutritional supplements and other complimentary brands. They have some of the most competitive prices on the internet and offer flat-rate $4.99 shipping on any size order.
To get 5% off your order, enter the source code PBD123. This code is good until the end of this week (Feb 15)
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Starbucks Irony
Now, doesn't that seem odd? You're trying to save calories by choosing a skinny latte made with skim milk, but then you negate all those saved calories with a sugary, trans fat rich cinnamon bun??? Are you serious? Now, I'm not a fan of these skinny drinks anyways as there's nothing wrong with some dairy fat to keep you more satiated. But, digging into a bun is just odd. It's like going into McDonalds and ordering a Diet Coke with a Mandarin Orange Chicken Salad and getting a side of large French fries! Hello!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Foam Rolling Therapy

You can see a foam roller here on the left of this text <---. A foam roller is essentially a dense foam cyclinder that you use as your personal massage therapist. It is used to release the tension/adhesions between your muscles and the facia under your skin that cause you to ache and feel tight. It can also be used to mobilize certain areas of the spine - the thoracic and mid-thoracic, but avoid mobilizing the lumbar spine if you have any low-back issues like I do.
For me, when I get out of bed, I use my foam roller on my quads and hamstrings to release the tension that results of sleeping statically in my oh-so-favorite curled-up fetal position. I also roll my upper back (the thoracic spine) which results in a nice release of the verterbrae and upper back muscles.
When I don't have the opportunity to foam roll in the mornings (which has been the case these past few weeks of my dissertation project - too many really early mornings), I can feel the tension in my body all day long. As soon as I get home though in the evening, I roll for a few mintues and feel much better.
Foam rolling to feel better and attack those tight muscles and static joints doesn't take much time, and it results in so much relaxation. Sometimes you may want to spend a lot longer foam rolling, especially after you've had a hard exercise session and all your muscles need some attention. Like I said, think of your foam roller as your personal masseuse, but it's a lot less expensive.
You can roll your calves and hips after a long run outside, your upper back and pecs after a hard upper body workout and your glutes after a hard hike or leg workout. In the video I found here on youtube, the female trainer does a fairly good job at demonstrating how to benefit from a foam roller. Here is the link for a visual:
Then, to learn more about the foam roller, read this article by my good friends Eric Cressey and Mike Roberts, published on, "Feel Better for 10 Bucks"
Mike Boyle also has an excellent DVD available at Perform Better.
Finally, to get your own foam roller, check out here. I've got the new PB Elite Molded Foam Roller, and it's much better than the traditional Bio-Foam Rollers that tend to compress over time.
Now, after writing about this, I'm going to go roll my glutes... I've been sitting on them too long today. :)
Friday, February 1, 2008
Exercising with a cold
However, I still trained. I didn't go to the gym as often or work out as hard as I would if I wasn't sick, but I still got my butt to the gym and did what I could.
On two of my workout nights, I was pretty winded. Everything I did felt like I had just run hill sprints. I was breathing heavy and all I wanted to do was lay down and close my eyes (which I did a few times... I didn't care what people thought).
Now, the controversy over all of this is whether one should work out when they are sick, or if they should just stay home.
On one side, some scientists and doctors feel that working out can suppress the immune system and make your cold worse. On the other, working out might help strenghten your immune system, by increasing white blood cell activity, and make the cold go away faster. Then, right in the middle is the finding that working out when you're sick doesn't change the path of your cold one bit.
I came across this article in the New York Times from 2005 that said, unless your cold was completely debilitating, it doesn't matter one bit if you exercise or not.
Then, in 2003, researchers from Ball State found the same thing: that exercising with a common cold does not influence its duration.
In my experience, I've always exercised whether I've been sick or not, unless I was so sick that I couldn't see straight. Since I'm a consistent exerciser, missing too many workouts because I have a cold would actually make me feel worse than getting my exercise accomplished, albeit at a lesser intensity. I've even worked out one week after having major surgery (I had part of my intestine taken out), and worked out two days after having my tonsils taken out (which was the best thing I've ever done to reduce allergies and colds).
The bottom line for working out when you're sick: do it, especially if you're a trained individual. You'll just have to cut back on the time and intensity, but you'll be happy that you did it. However, avoid exercise if your symptoms are quite severe - no one wants to see you get sick in the gym or on the field.